Kiitos laskutuksesta!

Olet onnistuneesti luonut laskutuspyynnön ja saat siitä pian kopion sähköpostitse.

Käsittelemme laskutuspyyntösi viimeistään seuraavana arkipäivänä.

Saat toisen viestin sähköpostitse, kun olemme tarkistaneet lähettämäsi laskutuspyynnön.

Arvostamme suuresti, jos sinulla on aikaa antaa palvelustamme Google-arvostelu painamalla tästä.
Luo uusi lasku
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3 Steps of Invoicing


We check the invoice request and create an invoice to be sent to the customer based on it. The invoice will be sent to the customer no later than the next business day. If there is any ambiguity in the invoicing or needs to be corrected, we will ask you for further clarification by email.


Wages are calculated on the same business day when the customer's payment appears in our account.


You will receive a payroll notification by email the same day your salary is put into payment. Your salary will be in your account on the next business day.

Invoice processing

You can create an invoice at any time. We aim to process all invoices received on weekdays before 16:00 on the same day, and invoices received later on the following business day. The invoice due date is formed according to the invoice processing date.

If you have any problems filling out the form, please get in touch.

Customer service
Mon-Fri 10am-5pm
p. 0400 803 120

*For group invoices, salary payment information other than the invoicing author must be reported separately in the salary information form, which can be found on our website in the Invoicing section.